Which Of The Following Is The Best Example Of Physical Weathering? A. The Rusting Of Iron Nail B. The Chemical Reaction Of Limestone With Acid Rain C.

which of the following is the best example of physical weathering? a. the rusting of iron nail b. the chemical reaction of limestone with acid rain c. the formation of sandbar along the side of a stream d. the cracking of rock caused by freezing and thawing of water

The answer to your question is d. the cracking of rock caused by freezing and thawing of water.

For you to understand it better, let us define first weathering. Weathering is the process by which a rock is broken down into smaller particles by means of physical or chemical factors. This definition alone eliminates choice A since it is not weathering because it affects iron, which is not a rock. The same goes for choice C since formation of sandbars does is not weathering, it is EROSION.  Now, the next part is the word PHYSICAL. This means that the chemical composition of an item should not be affected. This eliminates choice B since it involves chemical reaction. This leaves us with item D which satisfies the definition and the involvement of physical weathering which is the recurrent freezing and thawing of water in the cracks of the rock. Other physical weathering examples include blasting of rock in quarrying operations and mining.

For more information about weathering, you may click the links below:





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